
Twitter / X = @vikram0285

Recording and perturbing neural/molecular activity as flies interact with different substrate options and make decisions (e.g., lay eggs) (Vijayan et. al. 2023).

I’m a Postdoctoral Researcher (The Rockefeller University & HHMI) and a Visiting Investigator (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) interested in the biological mechanisms that control the timing and outcome of individual behavioral decisions. My work ranges from exploring neural circuits in the brain to investigating subcellular processes within the body. I work with flies — a highly tractable model organism — with the goal of generating insight that also applies to other organisms.

My most recent publications explore the discrete decision to lay an individual egg with the aim of making headway into the neural mechanisms of cognitive decision making. I noticed that flies explore from many seconds to minutes before depositing each egg, and I discovered that flies, remarkably, use a memory of past egg-laying substrate options to assess the relative value of the current option (Vijayan et. al. 2022). I then developed a head-fixed preparation for recording neural activity (two-photon imaging and electrophysiology) as flies explore substrate options and lay eggs, and I discovered a neuronal activity signal in specific neurons that fluctuates up and down – over many seconds to minutes – as a fly explores for an egg-laying site. The fluctuations in this signal likely represent the moment-to-moment “considerations” of the fly. The overall propensity of this signal to rise is related to the relative value of the current option and when this signal hits a threshold level, an egg is deposited (Vijayan et. al. 2023, recorded talk). This rise-to-threshold signal helps extend those previously found in mammals by demonstrating that rising processes can causally initiate action and guide minute-timescale or self-paced deliberations between options (not just seconds-timescale or cued decisions). My work raises the possibility that a similar type of signal may exist in humans choosing a dish at a restaurant, for example.

Holistic and dynamic approach to understanding decisions (fly modified from Kim et. al. 2021).

What next? Flies and mammals share a majority of genes and molecular-level work in flies has led to Nobel prize winning discoveries related to the circadian clock, innate immunity, body development, and more. I plan to leverage the advances from my postdoc (both results and setups) to discover conserved molecular mechanisms for critical neuronal functions. My deep and unique behavioral and neuronal understanding of egg-laying decisions, makes it the perfect system to explore potential conserved and transformative molecular-level mechanisms involved in: (1) homeostasis of neuronal circuits; (2) trans-generational inheritance of environmental information; (3) molecular storage of memory; and more. Of course, to achieve these goals, I am also furthering my understanding at the behavioral and neuronal circuit levels which should also help discover signal and circuit principles for decision-making computations shared with larger brained animals.

While my published work focuses on how real-time signals in the brain guide decision-making behavior, my current/future work expands to even newer territory by also incorporating real-time measurements in the body (e.g., hormone release) during behavior. This direction emerges from my unpublished results (interactions between the brain and endocrine systems regulating the moments of action) and unpublished preparations (a new preparation to measure neural/molecular signals in the body during behavior). By interfacing the genetic tools and connectomes available in flies, with real-time measurements/perturbations in the brain and body during behavior, my lab will have access to the relevant variables to make deep insight into the molecular and circuit mechanisms that support cognitive behavior.

The brain (tiny white structure to left) in comparison to other internal organs (single fly, gray = dapi, cyan = phalloidin).

I’m currently working at The Rockefeller University in the Laboratory of Integrative Brain Function (advisor: Gaby Maimon), with an appointment as a Visiting Investigator at Memorial Sloan Kettering to lead a molecular-level collaboration stemming from my published postdoctoral work (host: Eric Lai). Contact me at vikram.vijayan@gmail.com or on Twitter / X (@vikram0285).

recorded talks


Practice Talk for Emerging Leaders in Neuroscience Seminar at Weill Cornell February 2024: Excuse the brief interruption at ~22 min. The preliminary result at ~42 min. has been updated after we built better genetically-matched controls (see Vijayan et. al. 2022 & 2023 for more details on published work in this talk).


videos of flies

Some cool videos related to flies making decisions that showcase some of the work I’ve done over the last few years.

Fly deciding whether to lay eggs in a chamber with two options. [10X speed] (see Vijayan et. al. 2022 and Vijayan et. al. 2023 for details!)

Head-fixed fly (glued to a pin) deciding whether to lay eggs on a treadmill-like wheel with two options. [20X speed]


Fly exploring a chamber with multiple options before selecting the best one for egg laying. [10X speed] (see Vijayan et. al. 2022 and Vijayan et. al. 2023 for details!)


Head-fixed fly (glued to a plate under a 2-photon microscope) deciding whether to lay an egg. The oviDN neuron signal dips when the fly prepares (ovulates) an egg and then hits a threshold level just before the fly bends her abdomen to lay it. [5X speed, cell body GCaMP is highest (red) just before egg laying] (see Vijayan et. al. 2023 for details!)


Head-fixed fly (glued to a plate under a 2-photon microscope) depositing an egg after the oviDNs are activated over the threshold level using optogenetics. [5X speed] (see Vijayan et. al. 2023 for details!)

A new preparation for imaging neural/molecular activity within a flies body during behavior that enables investigations on how brain and body interactions (e.g., hormone release) can control the timing of decisions and actions. [16X speed] (unpublished future/current direction)

Recurrent circuit made of 3 cell classes (yellow, green, purple) that feeds into oviDN rise-to-threshold cells (blue). Electron microscopy reconstruction (using Neuprint/Neuroglancer) of the circuit on one side of the fly brain is show. (see Vijayan et. al. 2023 for details!)


Head-fixed fly (glued to a plate under a 2-photon microscope) exploring substrate options and interacting with a "free" fly enclosed within the imaging chamber. This preparation may enable studies on if/how flies can transmit information about options to one another. [4X speed] (unpublished future direction)

Fly with eggs expressing GCaMP ovulating (preparing) an egg. An individual egg (red arrow) travels from an ovary to the uterus. The egg is then activated (increase in fluorescence is due to calcium influx) and eventually deposited. [5X speed] (see Vijayan et. al. 2023 for details!)

Head-fixed fly (glued to a plate) navigating in the dark in a virtual environment with cold spots surrounded by heat. The fly is imaged with a thermal camera and is heated up with a laser depending on its position. [8X speed] (unpublished)


Head-fixed fly (glued to a plate) navigating in a virtual closed loop environment. The fly walks at a particular goal angle (in this case with the bar ~45 to its left) despite abrupt jumps of the bar (following red dot). (see Green et. al. 2019 for details!)

previous work

In 2007 I received my undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University (with minors in Applications of Computing and Engineering Biology). At Princeton I worked with Ron Weiss (now at MIT) and Laura Landweber (now at Columbia University). In Ron’s lab we designed and built synthetic circuits that allowed E. coli to perform programmed tasks. In Laura’s lab we discovered a new role for RNA — instructing chromosomal DNA rearrangements in ciliates.

In 2013 I earned my PhD in Systems Biology from Harvard University. I worked with Erin O’Shea (now at Janelia Research Campus) on circadian gene expression in cyanobacteria. We discovered that nearly all transcripts in the cyanobacterial genome oscillated with a 24 hour period and identified a global mechanism that could be responsible for these genome wide oscillations.


✉ = corresponding or co-corresponding, * = co-first author


An internal expectation guides Drosophila egg-laying decisions
V Vijayan✉, Z Wang, V Chandra, A Chakravorty, R Li, SL Sarbanes, H Akhlaghpour, G Maimon✉
Science Advances 2022

Fly Tracking Data: https://dandiarchive.org/dandiset/000212
Design (CAD) files: CAD-Designs-2021B.zip
Preprint version on bioRxiv: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.09.30.462671v1


A neural heading estimate is compared with an internal goal to guide oriented navigation
J Green, V Vijayan, P Mussells Pires, A Adachi, G Maimon✉
Nature Neuroscience 2019

Press release: https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/681333
Preprint version on bioRxiv: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/315796v1


Sequence determinants of circadian gene expression phase in cyanobacteria
V Vijayan, EK O'Shea✉
Journal of Bacteriology 2013


Spatial ordering of chromosomes enhances the fidelity of chromosome partitioning in cyanobacteria
IH Jain*, V Vijayan*, EK O’Shea✉
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2012


A high resolution map of a cyanobacterial transcriptome
V Vijayan, IH Jain, EK O'Shea✉
Genome Biology 2011

Custom Tiling Microarray Design: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GPL13535
RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, and Tiling Microarray Data: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE29264



RNA-mediated epigenetic regulation of DNA copy number
M Nowacki, JE Haye, W Fang, V Vijayan, LF Landweber✉
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2010


RNA-mediated epigenetic programming of a genome-rearrangement pathway
M Nowacki, V Vijayan, Y Zhou, K Schotanus, TG Doak, LF Landweber✉
Nature 2008

Press release: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2008-01-route-heredity-bypasses-dna.html


Dynamic control in a coordinated multi-cellular maze solving system
A Hsu*, V Vijayan*, L Fomundam, Y Gerchmar, S Basu, D Karig, S Hooshangi, R Weiss✉
Proceedings of the American Control Conference 2005